Everything you need to know about Blue Sapphires

Blue sapphires, with their royalness and regalness—their oomph exuding shades of blue, have undoubtedly held a special place in the world of gemstones for centuries. Enthusiasts, collectors, and many others continue to cherish the rich history, stunning properties, and cultural significance of blue sapphires. 

Out of the four cherished gemstones (diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires), this beautiful stone has captured the admiration of the famous. This detailed piece about sapphires will thoroughly explore all about blue sapphires, covering their meaning, history, properties, trends, famous pieces, birthstone status, uses, ethical considerations, and lots more. 

Different Names in Different Cultures and Languages 

  1. Neelam: The Hindi and Sanskrit term for blue sapphires. Neelam stone or Neelam Ratna is widely popular in India.
  2. Safir Biru: The Indonesian name for blue sapphires
  3. Saphir Bleu: The French name for blue sapphires.
  4. Zafiro Azul: The Spanish name for blue sapphires.
  5. Blauer Saphir: The German name for blue sapphires.
  6. Safira Azul: The Portuguese name for blue sapphires.

The Meaning of Blue Sapphire Stones

Symbolism and Significance: Beautiful sapphires are symbolic and meaningful, making them more than exquisite gemstones. Across cultures and centuries and ancient source, they have been associated with many beliefs. Some common meanings attached include:

  • Wisdom and Clarity: They are often seen as symbols of wisdom, promoting clear thinking and rational decision-making.
  • Loyalty and Faithfulness: These gemstones have been connected to themes of loyalty, faithfulness, and enduring love, making them popular choices for engagement rings.
  • Nobility and Royalty: Historically, blue sapphires were favoured by royalty and were seen as symbols of nobility and authority.
  • Divine Protection: In many cultures, sapphires were believed to possess protective qualities, guarding against negative energies and harm.

Astrological Significance: In Vedic astrology, blue sapphires are associated with the planet Saturn. Expert astrologers believe that wearing a blue sapphire can bring various benefits, including financial prosperity, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. However, it is essential to note that astrological beliefs vary among different cultures and astrologers.

According to Indian Astrology,

Neelam gemstone can either really lucky or unlucky for any individual and therefore should be considered only upon proper Vedic astrology consultation from an expert. 

A Glimpse into the History of Blue Sapphires

Ancient Origins and Early Uses: The history of blue sapphires dates back to Middle Ages and earlier. They were initially discovered in various parts of the world, including regions of Asia and the Middle East. Among others, ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans, were the first to recognize the beauty and value of sapphires. They associated these gemstones with divine favour and protection and used them in jewelry, amulets, and talismans.

Sapphires in the Middle Ages: During the Middle Ages, sapphires gained even greater prominence. They were considered symbols of purity and were often worn by clergy and royalty as a sign of authority and spiritual connection and spiritual enlightenment. Blue sapphires were also believed to have healing properties, protecting against various ailments and illnesses.

Properties of Blue Sapphires

Composition and Coloration: Blue sapphires belong to the corundum family of minerals, including rubies. The captivating blue color of sapphires is primarily attributed to trace elements, notably iron and titanium. The depth of the blue tone can vary, ranging from pale blue to deep, velvety blue, with the most prized shade often described as “cornflower blue.”

Durability and Hardness: One of the standout characteristics of blue sapphires is their remarkable hardness. They rank 9 on the Mohs scale for hardness, second only to diamonds. This exceptional hardness makes them highly resistant to scratching and ideal for jewelry that withstands daily wear and tear.

Clarity and Inclusions: While high-quality blue sapphires exhibit excellent transparency and minimal inclusions, some may contain natural imperfections. These inclusions can take various forms, such as rutile needles or tiny crystals. They may affect the gem’s clarity and overall value. However, some collectors appreciate unique inclusions as they can enhance a sapphire’s look and appearance.

Cut and Carat Weight: The cut of a blue sapphire plays a crucial role in its overall appearance. A well-executed cut enhances the gem’s brilliance and color saturation. Additionally, the carat weight of sapphire can significantly influence its value, with larger stones being rarer and more valuable.

Trends and Popularity

Growing Popularity: In recent years, blue sapphires have experienced a resurgence in popularity in the high jewelry world. Their timeless elegance and versatility have made them a favorite choice among designers and consumers. Some collectors choose to collect blue sapphire loose gemstone for their collections. 

Celebrities and fashion icons have chosen to wear blue sapphire jewelry on red carpets, further fueling the renewed love for blue sapphire stone.

What can we say – after all, velvety appearance, rich color, violetish blue ( among other colors of sapphire), and precious gemstone, all make for a perfect red carpet look. 

Alternative to Traditional Diamonds: One notable trend in the jewelry industry is the growing preference for blue sapphires as an alternative to traditional diamond engagement rings. Couples seeking unique and meaningful symbols of their love have increasingly turned to these blue gemstones. Sapphires, with their symbolism of loyalty and enduring love, provide a distinct and heartfelt choice for engagement rings.

Notable and Famous Historical Sapphires

Several blue sapphires have gained legendary status throughout history due to their exceptional size, color, and provenance. Some of the famous sapphires include:

The Star of India: The Star of India, with its remarkable size and unique asterism (star-like effect), is one of the most famous blue sapphires in the world. It was discovered in Sri Lanka and is estimated to be over 2 billion years old. This sapphire’s extraordinary size and visual appeal have made it a treasured exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

The Rockefeller Sapphire: The Rockefeller Sapphire, weighing 62.02 carats, is another legendary blue sapphire with a rich history. It was once part of the renowned Rockefeller collection. Rockefeller Family’s matriarch, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, was spotted wearing it. The gem’s royal blue color and provenance contribute to its exceptional value and fame.

The Stuart Sapphire: The Stuart Sapphire, part of the British Crown Jewels, is a historic blue sapphire with royal associations. It is set in the Imperial State of England. It has a prominent place in the regalia used during the coronation of British monarchs. This sapphire’s history is intertwined with the British monarchy, adding to its significance.

The Logan Sapphire: The Logan Sapphire is the world’s largest and most famous blue sapphires, weighing approximately 422.99 carats. It is a rare, deep blue gemstone in the Smithsonian’s National Gem Collection. The Logan Sapphire is known for its remarkable size, stunning colour, and exceptional clarity. It was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in 1960 by Polly Logan, and it is considered one of the most significant sapphires in the world.

The Birthstone Connection

September’s Birthstone: Blue sapphires hold the distinction of being the birthstone for September. This association with September makes them a popular choice for individuals born during this month, as birthstones are believed to bring luck and various benefits to their wearers. September-born individuals often choose sapphire jewelry to celebrate their birth month.

In the next part of this piece, we will continue exploring the uses of blue sapphires in mystical,  spiritual, and practical applications contexts.

At the same time, let’s also delve into the ethical considerations surrounding the sourcing of blue sapphires, shedding light on sustainable practices in the loose gemstones industry.

Practical and Mystical Uses

Practical Applications in Jewelry: Blue sapphires are widely celebrated for their exceptional beauty and durability, making them highly coveted in jewelry. Being versatile, they are widely used in jewelry products such as necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, and brooches. Blue sapphires’ exquisite color and brilliance make them an excellent choice for classic and contemporary designs.

Engagement Rings: One of the most popular uses of blue sapphires in jewelry is in engagement rings. Blue sapphire engagement rings have become an alternative to traditional diamond rings. Couples opt for blue sapphire rings for their striking appearance and the meaningful symbolism associated with these gemstones. Blue sapphires symbolize loyalty, faithfulness, and lasting love, making them perfect for a lifelong commitment. The most well-known of all engagement rings is Kate Middleton. Our guide to buying a blue sapphire engagement ring will come in handy if we have convinced to you explore it.

Take a look at celebrities’ blue sapphire engagement rings.  

Antique and Vintage Jewelry: Blue sapphires have been cherished for centuries, and antique and vintage jewelry often feature these exquisite gemstones. Pieces from bygone eras, such as Art Deco or Victorian designs, frequently incorporate blue sapphires, reflecting the fashion and aesthetics of their respective periods.

Modern Designs: Contemporary jewelry designers also find inspiration in blue sapphires. They experiment with various settings, cuts, shapes, shades and combinations of gemstones to create unique and innovative pieces. Faceted Blue Sapphire Gemstone or Cabochons are often paired with diamonds, other colored gemstones, or unconventional materials to produce striking and avant-garde jewelry.

Mystical and Spiritual Beliefs

Beyond their aesthetic appeal and practical uses, blue sapphires hold a special place in mystical and spiritual traditions. Some believe blue sapphires possess metaphysical properties and can influence various aspects of life.

Enhancing Intuition and Meditation: In spiritual practices, blue sapphires are associated with enhancing intuition and promoting spiritual growth. They are believed to facilitate communication with higher realms and stimulate the third eye chakra linked to intuition and insight.

Protection and Warding Off Negative Energies: Throughout history, blue sapphires have been considered protective talismans. They were believed to shield the wearer from negative energies, curses, and harm. Some people carry or wear blue sapphires as a form of spiritual protection.

Amplifying Communication and Expression: In some spiritual traditions, blue sapphires are thought to improve communication and self-expression. They help individuals express their thoughts and feelings more clearly and confidently.

Shades of Blue Sapphire

Color of sapphires, span a spectrum of shades that enchant gem enthusiasts and collectors alike. The range of colors in blue sapphires varies due to differences in trace elements and crystal structure. Here are some of the most notable shades of blue sapphires:

  • Cornflower Blue: This shade is often considered the pinnacle of blue sapphire beauty. It’s an intense, vivid blue reminiscent of the petals of a cornflower, displaying a captivating and pure blue color.
  • Royal Blue: Deep and regal, royal blue sapphires exude an opulent and majestic aura. They feature a rich, dark blue hue or dark tone that conveys sophistication and elegance.
  • Ceylon Blue: Sapphires from Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, often showcase a medium tone lighter blue with a slightly greenish undertone. Ceylon blue sapphires are cherished for their transparency and brilliance.

These shades of blue sapphires provide a diverse palette for jewelry designers to explore. Each shade carries its own unique charm, allowing individuals to find the perfect from the wide spectrum of color varieties that resonates with their style and preferences.

Check complete guide to shades to different shades of blue sapphires

Different shapes of Blue Sapphires and their value

The value of blue sapphires can vary based on several factors, such as their size, color, clarity, and cut. When it comes to different shapes of blue sapphires, here’s a general idea of how they may impact their value:

Round: Round sapphires are typically more expensive than other shapes because they tend to exhibit better light performance and brilliance. Their symmetrical shape maximizes the reflection of light, making them highly desirable.

Oval: Oval sapphires are also quite popular and can command high prices. They have an elegant appearance and often tend to appear larger than their actual size due to their elongated shape.

Emerald Cut: This rectangular shape with cut corners is less common for sapphires but can be highly sought after for those who prefer a vintage or Art Deco look. The value depends on the quality of the cut and the clarity of the stone.

Princess Cut: Princess-cut sapphires have a square or rectangular shape with pointed corners. They are quite popular for their modern look.

Pear or Teardrop: Pear-shaped sapphires are often used in pendants and earrings. The value depends on the symmetry and proportions of the cut.

Marquise: Marquise sapphires have an elongated, boat-like shape with pointed ends. They look larger than their carat weight.

Cushion Cut: Cushion-cut sapphires have a square or rectangular shape with rounded corners. They provide a vintage and romantic feel and can vary in value based on color and clarity.

Heart-shaped: Heart-shaped sapphires are rare and symbolize love and affection. 

Baguette: Baguette-cut sapphires are long and rectangular with step-like facets. They are often used as side stones in jewelry and their value depends on their clarity and color.

Asscher Cut: Asscher-cut sapphires are square with step-cut facets, similar to an emerald shape. They are known for their elegance and can be quite valuable when well-cut and of high quality.

Remember that the overall value of blue sapphire is determined not only by its shape but also by its color (with deep, vivid blues; cornflower blue color being more valuable), clarity (fewer inclusions are preferred), carat weight (larger stones tend to be more valuable), and the quality of the cut (proportions, symmetry, and finish). Additionally, un-heated natural stones and the presence of certificates from reputable gemological laboratories can positively impact a sapphire’s value by confirming its quality and authenticity.

Blue Sapphire Pricing

Factors Affecting Price: The pricing of blue sapphire, genuine gemstones, can vary significantly depending on the Quality Blue Sapphire Gemstone. 

  • Color: The color blue of blue sapphire is one of the most critical factors affecting its price. The most prized sapphires exhibit a vivid, intense blue color with high saturation. Such sapphires, often described as “cornflower blue,” command the highest prices. Second highest would be, Royal Blue Sapphire color. 
  • Clarity: Basically refers to the presence or absence of inclusions or imperfections within the sapphire. High-quality sapphires are generally free from visible inclusions. However, minor inclusions may be tolerated if they do not affect the gem’s overall beauty.
  • Carat Weight: The size of a blue sapphire, measured in carats, also influences its price. Larger sapphires are rarer and, consequently, more valuable. However, the relationship between size and price is not linear, as other factors like color and clarity play a significant role.
  • Cut and Shape: The cut and shape of a sapphire can impact its price. Well-cut sapphires with precise facets that enhance their brilliance and color are more valuable. Popular shapes for sapphires include oval, round, cushion, and emerald cuts.
  • Origin: Sapphires from specific geographic locations may command higher prices due to their limited availability, rarity or unique characteristics. For example, sapphires from Kashmir, Myanmar (Burma), and Sri Lanka are highly sought after.
  • Treatment: Many sapphires undergo heat treatment to enhance their color and clarity. While this is a common practice in the industry and generally accepted, untreated sapphires are considered more valuable and command premium prices.
  • Market Demand: Market trends and consumer demand can also influence the price of blue sapphires. Sudden surges in popularity or increased interest in specific colors or styles can lead to price fluctuations.

Price Ranges: These are available at a wide range of price points. Smaller sapphires with paler colors and visible inclusions can be affordable at the lower end of the spectrum. On the other hand, top-quality, large, and vividly colored blue sapphires can command prices that rival or even surpass those of diamonds.

Blue Sapphire Mines

Sapphire-Producing Regions: The type of sapphire mined across many different countries produces a different color of sapphire. Some regions are more renowned for their sapphires than others. Colors of Sapphires vary region-wise. Blue sapphire price also varies based on the mine they come from.

Fancy sapphires producing countries and regions include:

  • Kashmir: Kashmir, a region in the Himalayas, is famous for producing some of the most exquisite blue sapphires in the world. Kashmir sapphire, the king of blue sapphires, is known for its velvety, intense blue color and exceptional clarity. However, Kashmir sapphires are exceedingly rare, and mining in the region has been limited due to political and geological challenges. 
  • Myanmar (Burma): Myanmar has a long history of sapphire mining, and the Mogok Valley is particularly famous for its sapphires. Burmese sapphires are known for their rich, royal blue color. The region also produces sapphires in various colors, including pink and yellow.
  • Sri Lanka (Ceylon): Sri Lanka has been a significant source of sapphires for centuries. Sri Lankan sapphires also known as Ceylon Blue Sapphire, are famous for their exceptional transparency and brilliance. The country is also a source of the highly sought-after padparadscha sapphires, which exhibit a rare pink-orange color.
  • Thailand: Thailand is known for its blue sapphire production, particularly in the Chanthaburi region. Thai sapphires are often heat-treated to enhance their color and clarity.
  • Australia: Australia is another notable source of blue sapphires. These sapphires can vary in color, with some displaying vibrant blues while others exhibit greenish or darker hues/ dark colors.

Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing

Challenges in Gemstone Sourcing: The beauty of blue sapphires often comes with ethical and environmental concerns in the gemstone industry. Historically, gemstone mining has been associated with environmental degradation, unsafe working conditions, and unfair wages for miners. Irresponsible mining practices can result in ecological damage, including deforestation and water pollution.

Ethical Considerations: Thankfully, the awareness of the importance of ethical sourcing and sustainable practices in the gemstone industry grows each day. Ethical considerations are now at the face of responsible sourcing initiatives, and consumers increasingly demand transparency in the supply chain. Ethical practices encompass several vital aspects:

Fair Wages and Safe Working Conditions: Ethical sourcing prioritizes fair wages and safe working conditions for miners and labourers in the gemstone supply chain. It aims to improve the livelihoods of those working in the industry.

Environmental Responsibility: Sustainable mining practices seek to minimize the environmental impact of gemstone extraction. This includes measures to reduce habitat destruction, water usage, and pollution.

Transparency and Certification: Transparent supply chains are vital in ensuring the legitimacy of gemstone sourcing. Certification processes, such as the Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC) and Fair Trade, help verify that gemstones are sourced responsibly.

To counter the ethical concerns, lab-created sapphires have gained some momentum in recent years.

Caring for Blue Sapphire Jewelry

Caring for your blue sapphire jewelry is essential to ensuring its longevity and stunning appearance. Blue sapphires are relatively durable, but like all gemstones, they require proper care to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips on how to care for your blue sapphire jewelry:

Regular Cleaning:

    • Clean your blue sapphire jewelry regularly to remove dirt, oils, and debris that can dull its brilliance.
    • Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a jewelry-polishing cloth to gently wipe the surface of the sapphire.
    • For a deeper clean, create a solution of warm water and mild dish soap. Soak the jewelry for a few minutes, then use a soft brush (e.g., a soft toothbrush) to gently scrub around the sapphire and in any crevices.
    • Rinse the jewelry with warm water to ensure no residue left from the soap, and pat it dry.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

      • Avoid exposing your blue sapphire jewelry to harsh chemicals, including household cleaners, bleach, and abrasive chemicals. These substances can damage the gemstone and the metal settings.
      • Remove your jewelry when applying lotions, perfumes, or hairsprays, as these products can leave residues that dull the sapphire’s surface.


      • Store your blue sapphire jewelry separately from other pieces to prevent scratching and damage. Consider using individual pouches or jewelry boxes for each item.
      • When storing sapphire jewelry with metal settings, place a soft cloth or tissue between pieces to prevent them from rubbing against each other.


    • Remove your blue sapphire jewelry when engaging in activities that may damage the stone. This includes activities like sports, gardening, or heavy lifting.
    • Avoid wearing sapphire jewelry while doing dishes or swimming, as exposure to harsh detergents or chlorine can harm the gemstone and metal.

Professional Inspection:

    • Periodically, have your blue sapphire jewelry inspected by a professional jeweller. They can check for loose settings or wear and tear that may need repair.
    • Settings, such as prongs holding the sapphire in place, may loosen over time and should be tightened when necessary.

Ultrasonic and Steam Cleaners:

    • Blue sapphires are generally safe for ultrasonic and steam cleaners. Still, it’s essential to consult your jeweller before using these methods, especially if your sapphire has inclusions or fractures.
    • Ensure your jewelry is in good condition and the settings are secure before using these cleaning methods.

Repolishing and Rejuvenation:

    • Over time, the surface of your blue sapphire jewelry may develop tiny scratches or lose some of its lustre. A professional jeweller can repolish the sapphire to restore its shine and clarity.

Following these care guidelines ensures that your blue sapphire jewelry remains a radiant and cherished part of your collection for years. Remember that proper care preserves the gemstone’s beauty and maintains its value.

How to Identify Authentic Blue Sapphire

Determining the authenticity of a blue sapphire gemstone can be challenging, especially for those with expertise in gemology. Blue sapphires are highly sought after and are often counterfeited or treated to enhance their appearance. Here are some steps you can take to help determine the authenticity of a blue sapphire:

  • Certification: The most reliable way to ensure the authenticity of a blue sapphire is to obtain a certificate from a reputable gemological laboratory. These laboratories employ experts who use advanced equipment to analyze gemstones. The certificate will provide information about the sapphire’s characteristics, including its color, clarity, cut, carat weight, and any treatments it has undergone.
  • Color: Sapphire colors come in various shades of blue, ranging from light to dark. The most valuable and sought-after color is a vivid, deep blue with excellent saturation. Be cautious if the sapphire appears too bright, pale, or greenish-blue, as these can indicate a lower-quality or synthetic stone.
  • Inclusions: Most natural sapphires have some inclusions (internal flaws) that are visible under magnification. While too many inclusions can reduce the value of the sapphire, a complete lack of inclusions might suggest that the stone is synthetic.
  • Price: If a blue sapphire’s price seems too good to be true, it’s essential to be skeptical. High-quality, natural blue sapphires are relatively rare and can be expensive. Pay attention to the price; it could be a red flag if it is significantly lower than the market value.
  • Transparency: Natural blue sapphires are typically transparent to translucent. The stone may be a lower-quality or treated sapphire if it appears opaque or cloudy.
  • Heat Treatment: Heat treatment is a common practice in the gemstone industry to improve the color and clarity of sapphires. While heat-treated sapphires can be valuable, you should know if a seller tries to pass off a heated stone as untreated. A reputable certificate will often mention any treatments the sapphire has undergone.
  • Synthetic Stones: Lab-created or synthetic sapphires are becoming more sophisticated and can closely resemble natural sapphires. Check for any signs of synthetic origin, such as unusual growth patterns, too-perfect clarity, or the absence of inclusions.
  • Ask for Documentation: Request any available documentation, such as invoices, receipts, or certificates of authenticity, from the seller. A reputable seller should be willing to provide this information.
  • Consult a Gemologist: If you need more clarification about a blue sapphire’s authenticity, it’s advisable to consult a certified gemologist or appraiser. They examine the stones closely manually and use machines to determine the stone’s legitimacy.
  • Buy from Reputable Sources: Purchase blue sapphires from established and reputable jewellers, dealers, or auction houses. Do your research and read reviews to ensure you’re dealing with a trustworthy seller.

Remember that determining the authenticity and quality of a blue sapphire can be a complex process, and it’s best to rely on the expertise of professionals when in doubt. Investing in a reputable certificate and seeking advice from a certified gemologist can help ensure you get a genuine and valuable blue sapphire.

Certify your Blue Sapphires 

Certification for blue sapphires and other gemstones can and should be done to verify their authenticity, quality, and characteristics. Gemstone certification is typically carried out by reputable gemological laboratories and organizations. Here’s some vital information about certification for blue sapphires:

Gemological Laboratories: Several well-known gemological laboratories around the world provide certification services. Some of the most reputable ones include:

    • GIA (Gemological Institute of America): A name familiar to enthusiasts, GIA is one of the most respected and widely recognized gemological laboratories. They provide detailed reports with information about a sapphire’s color, clarity, cut, carat weight, treatments, and more.
    • AGL (American Gemological Laboratories): AGL specializes in identifying and certifying colored gemstones, including sapphires.
    • IGI (International Gemological Institute): IGI offers gemstone certification services, including for sapphires, providing information on quality and treatments.
    • GRS (GemResearch Swisslab): GRS is known for its expertise in colored gemstone testing and identification, including sapphires.

Certification Process: To get a blue sapphire certified, you must submit the blue sapphire loose gem to one of these laboratories. They will subject the sapphire to a series of tests and examinations to determine its authenticity, quality, and any treatments it may have undergone.

Certification Report: Once the assessment is complete, the laboratory issues a certification report, sometimes called a gemstone certificate or dossier. This report includes detailed information about the sapphire, including its color, clarity, cut, carat weight, dimensions, treatments (if any), and sometimes its geographic origin.

Importance of Certification: Certification is essential when buying or selling high-value blue sapphires because it objectively and expertly assesses the gemstone’s attributes. It helps establish the sapphire’s quality and provenance, giving buyers confidence in their purchase and assisting sellers in determining the gem’s value.

Cost of Certification: The cost of certification varies depending on the laboratory and the complexity of the assessment. It’s typically the responsibility of the owner or seller of the sapphire to pay for the certification.

Authentication: Blue Sapphire loose Gem certification also helps prevent fraud by confirming that the sapphire is genuine and not a synthetic or imitation stone.

Certification for blue sapphires is crucial in ensuring that you don’t end up with fake sapphires and also in ensuring the Loose Blue Sapphire Gemstone is authentic. Reputable gemological laboratories in the gem industry perform these assessments, and the resulting certification reports provide valuable information for buyers, sellers, and collectors of blue sapphires. When purchasing a valuable sapphire, obtaining a certification from a trusted laboratory is highly recommended.

What are Color-change Sapphires?

Blue Sapphire

Color-change sapphires are a unique and highly prized sapphire known because of their ability to display different colors under varying lighting conditions. These sapphires typically exhibit one color in natural daylight and another color when exposed to incandescent or artificial lighting. The most sought-after color change in sapphires is blue to purplish-red or violet-red, but other combinations can also occur.

Key factors associated with color-change sapphires:

  1. Chromium and Vanadium: The color change in these sapphires is primarily due to trace elements such as chromium and vanadium. These elements interact with the light spectrum, causing the gem to appear one color in daylight (usually blue or greenish-blue) and a different color in incandescent light (typically purplish-red or violet-red).
  2. Rareness: Color-change sapphires are relatively rare compared to other sapphire varieties. The striking and dramatic color shift makes them highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.
  3. Color Saturation: The intensity and saturation of both the daylight and incandescent colors play a significant role in determining the value of a color-change sapphire. Vibrant and well-defined colors are more valuable.
  4. Cut: The cut of a color-change sapphire is crucial for optimizing its color-changing properties. A well-cut stone will exhibit the shift in colors more prominently.
  5. Origin: Some color-change sapphires from specific geographic locations are more renowned and coveted. For example, certain mines in Sri Lanka have produced exceptional color-change sapphires.
  6. Certification: When purchasing a color-change sapphire, it’s advisable to seek a gemological certificate from a reputable third party laboratory to verify its authenticity and provide details about its color change and quality.

Color-change sapphires are prized for their beauty, rarity, and the fascination of their dual-color display. They make exquisite center stones for unique and eye-catching jewelry pieces, particularly engagement rings, where their enchanting color change can symbolize the ever-evolving nature of love and relationships.

Final Wrap up

Natural Blue Sapphire Gemstone are beautiful keepsakes. So after reading this if you are feeling excited to invest in the Genuine Blue Sapphire Gemstone, we say don’t overthink.. just dive in. For the beauty of the Kashmir blue sapphire or Emerald Cut Sapphire is inebriating in its own way. 

In the ever-changing landscape of fashion and jewelry, blue sapphire gemstones stand as timeless treasures, reminding us that some things, like their deep blue hue, are truly eternal. We hope this journey through everything about blue sapphires has been both informative and inspiring, inviting you to appreciate the enduring charm of these remarkable gemstones.


Yes, rare blue sapphires can make for great investment. 

Yes, blue sapphires mined from earth are only natural. However, you can find lab-created blue sapphires in the market. 

Yes, a combination of high quality, deep color, excellent cut, high clarity and carat weight blue sapphires are rare. 

Yes, blue sapphires receive treatments to improve the colour. Jewellers may or may not choose to make full disclosure about the enhancements.  

Loyalty, truth and honesty!

India, Sri Lanka, Burma and more

Velvety blue and violetish blue

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